Monday, December 22, 2008

Building a Cardboard Play Kitchen

So I'm moving right along, building Thora a play kitchen made of recycled cardboard. As I mentioned before, I found this project here, on I spent what seemed like an eternity scouring my neighborhood for pieces of cardboard big enough for this project. (The main upright pieces, actually not pictured anywhere here, are almost 40" in height.) Then the other day, recylcing day in our neighborhood, I was lucky enough to spot an intact box that had recently held a storage shelving system. If only friends of mine could've seen me, a crazy woman, running down the streets of Cambridge with a huge cardboard box over my shoulder.
Our living room is currently overrun with bundles of cardboard that I've gathered from the neighboring grocery stores, most of which are too flimsy or small. But once I scored the gem of the storage box, I began actually following the instructions. And that was measuring and measuring, cutting and cutting. I would suggest you really invest in a metal ruler!

Anyway, I've finally got all the pieces cut out and reinforced. Now I'm ready to start cutting out the notches that create the joists. Don't want to get bogged down with blogging about it. Better just get back to it. I mean, this thing isn't going to build itself by Christmas. And Georgia and Kitty are shitty elves!

1 comment:

cecile said...

I just finished mine... I just need to find wire hangers. I hated the measuring and cutting part, too !
It's cute !