Monday, April 7, 2008

Couldn't Be Easier

So the venture into homemade baby wipes was as easy as pie! Well, so much easier than pie, really. It was as easy as measuring 2 tablespoons of two liquids and then mixing them with 2 cups of previously boiled water. I reconstituted a stack of machine-washed and -dried wipes that I merely put back into the plastic tub that we've been refilling with store-bought wipes.

The recipe that I found called for 2 T baby bath soap, 2 T baby oil, and 2 C. boiled, cooled water. I used several of the un-touched, dust-collecting bottles of Johnson's products we received as un-opened hand-me-downs and parts of care packages, so this project was easy and free!

Overall, I'm really pleased with how these came out. They don't have the chemical scent of the store-bought wipes (even though we've always bought "unscented") but rather smell like the baby bath and baby oil, which is pretty pleasant. And I wouldn't hesitate wiping Thora's face or hands with these, whereas with the store-bought wipes, I always fear that the liquid is going to get in her eyes or mouth. And an extra bonus: I think the baby oil may actually make the poop easier to get off of the cloth diapers. My theory is that while not rendering the diapers non-absorbent, the oil rubs onto the diaper and creates a barrier, much like the diaper liner, which doesn't allow the poop to bind with the cloth. This was a bit of a blessing, since I waited too long to re-order diaper liners, and we went without them for about a week. However, we didn't suffer too much, I think, because of the new wipes. Hooray, New Wipes!

1 comment:

Summer Ryan Doyle said...

That's awesome. I'm so impressed with the fact that you keep your daughter in cloth diapers. Rock on!