Monday, April 28, 2008

Couldn't Be Easier: Package-Free Shampoo

I've recently become very fond of Lush, a shop that sells natural and eco-friendly bath and body products. Here are two of their package-free, solid shampoos, sold in bar-form. You merely lather one up, just like a regular bar of soap, and then shampoo your hair. It couldn't be easier. And there's no plastic bottle produced and then recycled.
Right now, I'm using New!, the red one, which boasts scalp-stimulating properties and a heady cinnamon fragrance. And recently, I received a free bar of Seanik, with my purchase. The dark flecks you see in it are pieces of seaweed.

1 comment:

Summer Ryan Doyle said...

Crazy! What will they think of next?

You know what else works? Just not shampooing for a day or three--like I do. Totally fits with my mommy schedule and keeps those nasty chemicals out of the drain. Genius!