Sunday, April 6, 2008

Beer of the Month

Magic Hat H I.P.A. (SeasonAle)

I love this beer. It is so refreshing but bite-y at the same time. Perhaps I should say up front that my beer terminology is completely amateurish, in case you didn't realize with "bite-y." But that's not going to stop me from highlighting the occasional standout beer.

Here's how Magic Hat describes it: "A medium-bodied beer with a fresh and fruitful nose of vernal vitality. It begins and ends with a big hop bite that is itself forever balanced on the brink by a steady rhythm of malt."

I had this with dinner last week which was then followed with a couple scoops of raspberry sorbet, and I couldn't believe how intense the sorbet's fruitiness seemed. Last night, I had a HI.P.A. with Sean's Chicken and Green Chile Quesadillas and it was again, very complimentary. This is a great beer. I do hope that, while a seasonal brew, it stays on the shelves at Trader Joe's for a month or two more.

1 comment:

Summer Ryan Doyle said...

I'll check out your recommendation. The Allagash Quattro is my current favorite (regularly found at Whole Foods).