Monday, May 24, 2010

Gardening: May 2010

We returned from our 2-week vacation to find a lovely garden in our backyard!

Thanks to Carl, our upstairs neighbor, who did the loads of work to beautify the back corner: trimming our big tree, moving some paving stones to create a foundation for the grill, and putting in some wonderful blooming perennials back there, not to mention the hours of shoveling, digging, and raking that went into that. Check out these beauties around our yard. The first two are part of the flower garden in the new back corner.

And then there's this:

This one is near the gate into the backyard. Stunning!

Thank you, Carl!

Also, this weekend found me up at Ricky's Flower Market in Somerville, getting the vegetables and herbs for this year's container garden.

We have two kinds of tomatoes, a Brandywine heirloom and a yellow cherry, red peppers, an accidentally-bought eggplant, and peas that I planted on a whim from seeds. I also have the workhorses of my gardens, rosemary, oregano, thyme, and basil. Also, this year I'll be growing for the first time red onions and cucumbers.

Here's the entrance way flower garden (started back in 2008).

Those are black eyed susans on this side of the fence. In the main flower bed on the other side of the fence, those big plants are white phlox plants, with echinacea at the base of and behind the phlox. The echinacea should continue to grow tall, and once they're blooming this summer, should be nice and tall in the back. There is still a massive hole in the front that needs to be filled. (A few of the plants from the original 2008 garden never came back.) I need to look into a shorter blooming perennial for the front row. But making progress on that front, I've planted three new mountain sage plants, two smaller ones in the front and a tall one in the back. They add such great deep color and should bloom all summer.

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