Friday, December 11, 2009

Auric at 3 months

Check out my little green sweet pea! Auric turned 3 months old on Wednesday. It is a joy to watch him develop and become more engaged and engaging. His smile is so infectious. And he seems like such an easy-going baby that sometimes I can lure him out of fussiness crying just by smiling and making faces at him.

A memory I want to savor so I'll record it here: the other night, I was rocking him in my arms, lulling him to sleep before putting him in his bed. His eyes were heavy, the lids falling, lifting, then falling again. He was sucking on his orange pacifier. His face mostly buried in the crook of my elbow. Then, as if to take in his surroundings, he opens his eyes, focuses in on my face, gives me a big, tired smile that threatens to send the pacifier to the floor, and then puts his head back into my arm and closes his eyes. Within a minute or so I had him in his bed and was tip-toeing out of our room. The moment was surprising and wonderful, as if he were giving me an baby-equivalent to a good night kiss. Awww. I could eat him up sometimes!

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