Sunday, November 29, 2009

And we're back

I hate that it's been ages since my last post. Life got a little unexpectedly... well, life-like: vivid, breathless, chaotic, when this little guy, Auric, showed up almost 6 weeks early:

Here he is at 5 weeks.

He's 11+ weeks now and wonderful. With the sleepless nights hopefully becoming less so, and our toddler transitioning slowly to life with a little brother, I hope to begin to posting with more regularity.

Overall, life is hard but good. Our boy, seems to be the calm to his sister's storm... at least for now. He's smiley and coy-seeming, fascinated, and above all, so lovable.

Lots more to come.

1 comment:

Summer Ryan Doyle said...

so glad to see you're back!